<![CDATA[Casa Kāma]]>https://www.casakama.life/blogRSS for NodeFri, 07 Mar 2025 02:58:03 GMT<![CDATA[What are Chakras? ]]>https://www.casakama.life/post/what-are-chakras63f50ca442c0ccdd14d3ae77Tue, 21 Feb 2023 21:16:54 GMTJohn Pisano-Thomsen (aka DaddyGuru)

Chakras are ENERGY WHEELS strategically positioned in your plexuses from the base of the spine to the top of the head. More are documented to extend beyond the body, but I will specifically focus on the 7 foundational wheels. These wheels of energy complement the demands of our sympathetic nervous system and reside in three Nadis (energy channels), supported by a dormant, Shakti energy known as Kundalini. Working with chakra energies has been linked to increase lifespans, mental health, emotional health, and personal well-being. Each chakra is linked to organs within the body, emotional attitudes, mental attitudes, physical health (including diseases), colors, sounds, psychic talents and more.

Below I will highlight each chakra, its nature, and its specific responsibility.

Mooladhara Chakra (or "Root" Chakra)

Location: Base of the spine

Controls: Excretion and reproductive organs

Qualities: Innocence, wisdom, courage, grounding, survival, security, stillness, stability.

Luminescence: Red

Tone: C

Bija Mantra: Lam

<![CDATA[The 5 Principles behind Tantra]]>https://www.casakama.life/post/the-5-principles-behind-tantra63f4edd876b2d996d6238e90Tue, 21 Feb 2023 17:40:40 GMTJohn Pisano-Thomsen (aka DaddyGuru)Before I begin expanding on the varied practices that facilitate tantric energy and a tantric life, you need to understand the foundational principles that support it and that are applied in all practices. These principles are void of any religion or culture.

1. YOUR DIRECT EXPERIENCE IS KING over anyone else's text, knowledge, philosophy, religion or experience. YOUR SELF-DEVELOPMENT JOURNEY IS SPECIFICALLY AND MULTI-UNIVERSALLY UNIQUE. NO ONE ELSE on this planet is living your life. THAT WAS AND IS INTENTIONAL from the very beginning before transitioning to this dimension from your mother's womb. You don't need to count on anyone to tell you what is right or wrong. There is no right or wrong. Only experience. YOUR EXPERIENCE. YOUR TRUTH.

2. YOUR BODY IS A DIVINE TEMPLE. Like all dwellings and buildings, we must care for them, maintain them and keep them in order. Neglect facilitates deterioration, abandonment and disrespect to yourself and "your soul's temporary home."

3. SHAKTI ENERGY IS QUEEN. Shakti is the equivalent to Yin or feminine energy and is the GREAT MOTHER that births new creations and new energies. She nurtures them with love and connects everything with her Kundalini (sexual energy or BA).

4. EMBODYING INNOCENCE. Here the INNER CHILD is sacred and allowed to express, feel, explore, and discover without judgment or intervention. FREEDOM AND PURITY allows us to perceive everything in its real light and energy.

5. LIVING AN ANTIMONIAL LIFE. Conducting your life with integrity, value, honesty and compassion without morals or rules established by other controlling factions or institutions.

In my next blog, I will take you to the next step of understanding your energy centers or Chakras and how they play a central role in your life and your tantric practice.

Always with Love and Light. Namaste. ️


<![CDATA[Let's Talk Tantra (And what it really is...)]]>https://www.casakama.life/post/let-s-talk-tantra-and-what-it-really-is63f1633791efdf638e56c5e6Sun, 19 Feb 2023 02:01:45 GMTJohn Pisano-Thomsen (aka DaddyGuru)So as everyone can clearly see, we specialize in Tantra. However, in this very hypersexual world, it can be hard to understand what Tantra REALLY IS compared to the way much of THE MEDIA and especially THE PORN INDUSTRY sell it. I find that out of the people I encounter who don't know exactly what Tantra is, half of them think its a shortcut to great sex and the other half have no idea at all.

So let’s talk it.

Tantra is rooted from the esoteric traditions and sacred texts of Hinduism and Buddhism developed on the Indian subcontinent from the middle of the 1st millennium AD and onwards. The meaning of the word Tantra is based from the Sanskrit word Tan which means to weave or compose. The verbal root of Tantra vtan means to expand. And the suffix tra usually means an instrument. So when you combine all of these ancient terms you end up with a broadly applicable practice or system that promotes self-expansion.

That is one of many definitions but they all point to a system or a practice that mystics state is not only an art, a science, a spiritual path or even a lifestyle, but living with the awareness that each individual on this planet is a reflection of the multiverse. Expert and Guru Osho summed it up best as "the way of acceptance." Acceptance of everything: yourself, your life, your past, present, future, the dark and the light, the bad and the good, the pain and the bliss.

For me, Tantra is:

The practice of liberating yourself from ego and embracing who you are as a perfectly imperfect reflection of Source. This planet and this dimension was created to specifically experience those unique events called "emotions" via an environment of extreme polarity. We are all “informational fingers” of God consciousness energy (Mahamudra) and we, as third dimensional beings on Gaia, are the most watched planet in this multiverse because of our swimming in these unique energy expressions of "emotion." In other words, Earth is the accelerated learning classroom for the multiverse where we must learn to sense the truth beyond our physical, limited third dimension faculties.

When you practice Tantra, when you embrace Tantra, you embrace the true you, the true, infinite Source energy consciousness within your soul. I may inhabit the body that everyone knows as John (with an ego that has been recording every experience since transitioning out of my mother’s womb), but "John" is not really who I am. "John" is simply a collection of ego experiences. Excluding my body, my soul energies are an extension of "Mahamudra: the great orgasm of Source consciousness."

A perfect example of this is an ancient story retold by Osho about a viceroy of Alexander the Great who wanted to meet a "flowering" Buddhist that everyone was talking about. Through interactions between the Buddhist and this Greek, the Greek felt that the Buddhist was contradictive in stating how "we are" at one moment and "we aren't" another. When summoned to the court to explain himself, the Buddhist demonstrated his point through the example of a cart.

The Buddist would point to a wheel on the cart and say, “Is that wheel the cart?”

And the viceroy would say, "Of course not."

Then, the Buddhist would take off the wheel and point to another wheel and say, “Is this wheel the cart?”

And the viceroy replied "No."

And so, piece by piece, as the Buddhist took apart the cart, the viceroy finally realized the cart was nothing but a concept made of all these individual parts.

We share this truth as human beings on Gaia: We are simply concepts in the consciousness of Source. I may be known as John Pisano-Thomsen or DaddyGuru in this lifetime, but even these two identities are simply concepts.

Many people become nervous or afraid when they think they will lose "earth identity." But when you practice The Life Tantrika you will still appreciate and honor your "concept identity" while "resonating" with your God energy.

Now, I'm sure you are now asking yourself, "Why in hell would I intentionally put myself through all of this earthly pain and agony?" if I am simply a concept. The real question should be: "Why would your Higher Self, your soul, put you through these experiences?"

Because your life is like a sensational video game to your soul. It’s a roller coaster. It’s exciting. It's creatively nourishing and it's feeding all this incredible insight to an eager learning Source. If Source knew EVERYTHING, we wouldn't be doing taking on these lifetimes at all. REMEMBER THAT. Energy moves and is always fluid, looking for new and interesting flow combinations. So the next time you are in pain or facing a challenge, remind yourself that your Higher Self is loving this and that you are merely a "means to an end" to facilitate new scenarios and experiences to a greater consciousness.

Nothing on Gaia lasts forever and Tantra is a gift from Source to "disconnect" from the polarities and limited potentials imposed on our planet and to stand invincible in your infinite God energy. How incredible are YOU that YOU are "of the divine" TEACHING the divine? The tradition of guru learning from the student exists even in the Multiverse. How fabulous is that!

In my next blog I will talk about the methods and practices of Tantra used here at Casa Kama to disconnect you from your ego and put you in your inner truth.

Until then, get our of your head and stay in your heart.

Much love and light! Namaste!

~ DaddyGuru
